Extragalactic Astronomy

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USM Galaxies and Lensing Seminar

For LMU students: This is the 'Gravitational lensing seminar with accompanying colloquium (P6.2.5, P6.2.6)'

Usually every Friday at 10:00 CET (but the seminar timing is subject to change for certain talks - please check the latest emails for the seminar time and Zoom connection details)
. Currently, the talks are conducted in hybrid mode --- from the USM seminar room and over Zoom.

Upcoming talks

  • 24th January (10:00) - Talk
    Wilelm Elbers
  • 31st January (10:00)  - Talk
    Aditya Singh (USM)
  • 7th February (10:00) - Talk
    Frederic Courbin (ICC UB)
    'Scale invariance of vacuum: observational tests'
  • 14th March (10:00) - Talk
    Benjamin Seidel (USM)
    'SLOW simulations'

Winter Semester 2024/2025

  • 17th January (10:00) - Talk
    Oliver Friedrich (USM)
    'Pathways to phenomenology for quantum gravity'
  • 10th January (10:00) - Talk
    Andras Kovacs (Konkoly Observatory Budapest)
    'Cosmological probes with cosmic voids'
  • 20th December (10:00) - Talk
    Yangyao Chen (USTC China)
    'Globular-Cluster Formation in Cosmological Context: A Multi-Scale Semi-analytical Approach'
  • 13th December (10:00) - Talk
    Stefanie Reiter (University of Vienna)
    'Moving towards a more robust disentanglement of dynamical structures'
  • 10th December (10:00) - Talk
    Alexandre Barthelemy (USM)
    '3 years in the life of a theory from first-principles-enthusiast post-doc: Lensing PDFs, topology of the density field, nulling of small scales'
    Good luck to Alexandre on his next step as a scientist in Paris!
  • 6th December (10:00) - Talk
    Matteo Guardiani and Julian Rüstig (MPA)
    'Charming Bayesian Strong Lensing with LensCharm'
  • 29th November (10:00) - Talk
    Francesco Critterio (USM)
    'Impact of the multiple image substructure on the strong gravitational lensing modeling of galaxy clusters'
  • 22nd November (10:00) - Talk
    Ali Assadollah (USM)
    'Multipole Perturbation in Strong Gravitational Lensing'
  • 8th November (10:00) - Talk
    David Gebauer (USM)
    'Simulation-Based Inference with the two-point correlation functions and the integrated three-point functions'
  • 29th October (10:00) - Talk
    Anik Halder (USM)
    'Random matrices: Problems with priors on covariance matrices for the precision matrix expansion'
    Good luck to Anik on his next step as a postdoc at Cambridge!
  • 25th October (10:00) - Talk
    Giacomo Queirolo (USM)
    'Weak Lensing line of sight corrections to strongly lensed Einstein Rings'
    Good luck to Giacomo on his next step as a postdoc at Montpellier!